Monday, January 28, 2008

The Last Vice

Everywhere in this town I see SUVs of every size and brand, hell I even drive one myself now since the Little Red Mazda went the way of the Velociraptor a few months back, and everyday I hear some whiny socialist, hippy, environmentalist scum-bag telling me I’m a bad person for driving one.

What next, I axe?

These same social engineering sleaze-bags have done their damnedest over the years to make sure the taxes on my booze are high enough so I can’t drink nearly as much as I need to, as well as making smoking nigh impossible anywhere (in the past year smoking has even been made illegal in pubs and night clubs!) except in your basement, hiding under a blanket in the dark.

I don’t smoke, but I do enjoy a cigar, or a cigarillo on occasion, but who cares? There is nothing wrong with it, and it is LEGAL.

Well, if you axe one of these mealy-mouthed, socialist bozos they will tell you that all of my friends and I are as bad as Hitler for wishing to engage in this perfectly legal habit, because according to them, only they know what is best for everybody in the country.

To this I say “FUCK YOU HIPPY SCUM!!!! Let my people smoke! Like I said, I am not a smoker, but I support smoker’s rights because if I don’t, then who will be on my side when the social engineering, freedom hating, pigs decide (and they will believe you me) to go after something I really care about, like my booze, or my right to own any kind of vehicle I want.

Pretty soon the only vice I’ll have left is driving, and the socialist scum, and global warming fear-mongering liars are already trying to steal that tiny shard of liberty from me.

I axe again; what is next?

Only the social engineers in their fevered minds know for sure.

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